Sunday, July 29, 2018

Implications for Panspermia: Metazoans Can Survive Freezing Under Natural Conditions

Nematodes were frozen in Siberian permafrost 42,000 years ago, and were thawed in a lab, showing behaviors like feeding. This has implications for panspermia. In another unintentional experiments, other roundworms on the space shuttle survived uncontrolled re-entry and were found on the ground weeks after the accident. Stars regularly make close passes on time scales on the order of 100,000 years. 70,000 years ago, there was a star less than a light year away (Scholz's Star.) Large meteor strikes regularly (on geological timescales) send material into space. Are there thaw-able Earth nematodes (and many other things) now in order around Scholz's Star? There are definitely extraterrestrial objects in this solar system, but only in one case have we checked for biochemistry - and we at least found amino acids.

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